Change can be daunting, especially when it impacts essential supports for people living with disabilities. Recent adjustments to the NDIS bore more questions than answers, but with the right registered NDIS provider, managing these changes can be seamless.

Here’s a clear breakdown of the changes:

Before After
Flexible use of funds Stricter rules on how to spend NDIS funds
Vague budget displays Clear budget allocations in plans
Fixed plan management types NDIA can now modify your plan management for better fund handling
Funds could cover assistive technology more broadly Assistive technology must now be directly linked to a participant’s disability
Lack of review timeframes for plans Plans are reviewed regularly to ensure they still meet participant needs

Additionally, certain items once funded by the NDIS are now excluded:

Previously Funded Now Excluded
Rent and groceries General living costs are now the participant’s responsibility
Pet care Only assistance animals for disability support are funded
Gym memberships Excluded unless directly linked to managing a disability
Support for general transportation Only disability-specific transport needs are funded
Non-specialised health services Only health services related to a participant’s disability are covered


These changes focus on making sure that participants receive supports that directly align with their needs, but we understand this shift may be unsettling. As a registered NDIS provider, we’re here to help you understand these updates and manage your NDIS plan. Whether it’s reworking your home modifications or SDA budget, accessing the right supports, or adapting your plan to the new guidelines, we got you.

Feel free to reach out if you’re unsure how these changes affect you. With the right support, change becomes opportunity. Contact us today to discuss your plan!

For more detailed information on the changes, check out the official NDIS page on changes and the funding guidelines.

With a proactive approach and guidance from your NDIS provider, these adjustments can lead to better, more targeted support. We’re always here to assist!


Oak & Edge provides high-quality, compassionate services for people living with a disability. As a registered NDIS provider, we offer specific disability services that help you gain greater independence and a better quality of life: Individual Support, Specialist Disability Accommodation Services, and Home Modifications.

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